Contour line
Health Centre Zdravilišče Radenci

Price list of self-paid services at Health Centre Zdravilišče Radenci


Mineral bath 20 min

27 €

Mineral bath with essential oils 20 min

29 €

Herbal bath 20 min

28 €

*The beneficial effects of a natural mineral bath are enriched by various essential oils with aromatic effects. ** A bath in natural mineral water with added herbs, whose active ingredients provide deep relaxation of the body and mind, help open the respiratory tract, boost metabolism, improve blood circulation, and have a beneficial effect on your well-being
Examination by a cardiologist + ECG

48 €

Examination by an internist - cardiologist (initial)

39 €

Examination by an internist - cardiologist (follow-up)

30 €

Examination by an internist or physiatrist (initial)

35 €

Examination by an internist or physiatrist (follow-up)

26 €

Examination by a health resort doctor (initial)

30 €

Examination by a health resort doctor (follow-up)

23 €

Consultation with a doctor (up to 10 min.)

15 €

Doctor's visit to your room (daytime)

26 €

Doctor's visit to your room (at night)

38 €

Nurse's visit (daytime)

12 €

Nurse's visit (at night)

18 €

Holter 24-hour ECG

45 €

ECG full leads 17

17 €

Ergometry (stress test)

72 €

Echocardiography (ultrasound with colour doppler)

90 €


28 €


25 €

Colour double doppler of the arteries and veins of the lower extremities

73 €

Colour double doppler of the neck arteries

72 €

RR measurement

3 €

Small wound dressing

9 €

Large wound dressing

17 €

Removal of stitches

13 €

Ear syringing

12 €

Medical flat rate per day (rounds, care, nurse visit)

36 €

Daily care (care of a patient with reduced mobility)

39 €

Transporting patient with a wheelchair (daily flat rate €6)

6 €

Injections - Intravenous

9 €

Injections - Intramuscular

7 €

Injections - Subcutaneous

7 €

Injection - own medicine

5 €

Prescribing a prescription (1x)

3 €

Issuing a certificate

4 €

Group medical hydrogymnastics 20 minutes

8 €

Two-cell galvanic bath 10 minutes

11 €

Four-cell galvanic bath 20 minutes

15 €

Underwater massage 30 minutes

30 €

Bath with underwater massage 20 minutes

20 €

Massage hand bath 15 minutes

11 €

Massage foot bath 15 minutes

11 €

* za izboljšanje krvnega obtoka rok ali nog ** za izboljšanje krvnega obtoka rok in nog
Manual full-body massage 45 minutes

42 €

Manual half-body massage 20 minutes

28 €

Manual partial massage 10 minutes

19 €

Lymphatic drainage 20 minutes

28 €

Lymphatic drainage 40 minutes

43 €

*The therapist massages using mild circular movements along the lymphatic pathways in the direction of the heart, thus opening the lymphatic channels and accelerating the removal of toxins from the body. Lymphatic drainage improves lymph flow and blood circulation, reduces swelling, bolsters health, and restores vital energy
Pressotherapy - 2 extremities

21 €

Pressotherapy - 1 extremity

14 €

Lymphatic drainage with the help of an apparatus.
Hemi exercises - individual 20 minutes

27 €

Hemi exercises - group 20 minutes

7 €

Occupational therapy - individual 20 minutes

15 €

Individual exercises 20 minutes

15 €

Loading gymnastics - group 20 minutes

7 €

Orthopaedic exercises - group 20 minutes

7 €

Medical gymnastics - individual 20 minutes

19 €

Medical gymnastics - group 20 minutes

7 €

Exercises for strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor 30 minutes

20 €

Specialist neurological treatment 30 minutes

30 €

Individual exercises for strengthening musculature in osteoporosis 30 min

20 €

Individual active therapeutic exercises 20 minutes

19 €

Individual assisted active exercises 20 minutes

20 €

Passive joint stretching 10 minutes

15 €

School of walking 10 minutes

15 €

Buerger's exercises 20 minutes

15 €

Relaxation therapy 20 minutes

16 €

Breathing exercises - individual 20 minutes

17 €

Traction(Tension relief table for the cervical or sacral spine.)

13 €

Cycle ergometer training(On the ergometer, under supervision, various levels of difficulty.)

7 €

Movement of the joint using an Artromot 10 minutes

13 €

Mobility measurement - multiaxial joint 20 minutes

20 €

Mobility measurement - uniaxial joint 10 minutes

10 €

S pomočjo kinezioterapije izboljšujemo gibljivost sklepov, hrbtenice, vplivamo na boljši obtok in sproščenost mišic. Izvaja se v skupini ali individualno.
Laser - Shorter biostimulation

15 €

Laser - Longer biostimulation


Laser - Interference currents

16 €

Diadynamic currents

16 €

Combined electrotherapy and ultrasound

17 €


14 €


16 €

FES - 1 extremity

12 €

FES - 2 extremities

16 €

Magnetotherapy (Electromagnetic field therapy.)

13 €

Tens (Pain-relieving therapy for acute and chronic pain.)

11 €

Tens /2 (Pain-relieving therapy for acute and chronic pain.)

15 €

Ultrasound (Method of treatment using therapeutic ultrasound.)

12 €

Ultrazvok /2 (Method of treatment using therapeutic ultrasound.) - Elektro

17 €

Pain-relieving electrotherapy with the help of various electric currents reduces the feeling of pain and relaxes the muscles.
Thermal wrap - one joint

12 €

Thermal wrap - two joints

14 €

Thermal wrap - three or more

17 €


15 €

Pleasant thermotherapy helps reduce and alleviate pain from muscle tension, degenerative rheumatism, and arthrosis. The heat stimulates the blood circulation, thus improving the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles, as well as increasing the stretch and flexibility of soft tissues.
1 wrap

17 €

2 wraps

22 €

3 wraps

27 €

4 wraps

30 €

5 wraps or more

39 €

This treatment relieves pain and, at the same time, helps prevent new diseases of the locomotor system. The high temperatures of the warm thermal wraps provide better blood circulation, relieve pain in the lower back and joints, reduce muscle tension, and loosen connective tissue.
Inhalations 1 x a day

11 €

Inhalations 2 x a day

17 €

For easier breathing – humidification and cleansing of the respiratory tract with the help of mineral water, medication, or essential oils.
Drawing blood from a vein

6 €

Blood count (sedimentation, hemogram)

11 €

Amylase (AMYL)

8 €

Blood sugar (GLU)

8 €

Lipidogram (cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides)

16 €

Blood sugar + Lipidogram

22 €

Urea (UREA)

8 €

Uric acid (URAT)

8 €

Creatinine (KR)

8 €

Total bilirubin (TBIL)

8 €

Gamma - GT

8 €

Transaminases (AST, ALT)

8 €

Prothrombin time (PT)

8 €

Cholesterol (HOL)

8 €

Triglycerides (TRIG)

8 €

Potassium (K) – mineralogram S

8 €

Calcium (Ca)

8 €

Chloride (Cl- )

8 €

Sodium (Na+)

8 €


38 €


38 €

Alkaline phosphatase

10 €

Health programmes

Program za srce in ožilje

264 €

7 dnevni program vključuje: 1 x Pregled pri zdravniku, 5 x Mineralna kopel, 2 x Delna masaža (10 min.), 3 x Dvocelična galvanska kopel, 5 x Cikloergotrening, 5 x Medicinska skupinska gimnastika (20 min.)
Program za hrbtenico

280 €

7 dnevni program vključuje: 1 x Pregled pri zdravniku, 3 x Delna masaža (10 min.), 2 x Polovična masaža (20 min.), 5 x Skupinske ortopedske vaje (20 min.), 5 x Skupinska medicinska hidrogimnastika (20 min.), 4 x Elektroterapija, 3 x Fango obloga – 1. del
Mali zdraviliški program classic

175 €

Vključuje: 1 x Pregled pri zdravniku, 6 x Storitev po odredbi zdravnika, 1 x Zaključni posvet pri zdravniku
Veliki zdraviliški program classic

325 €

Vključuje: 1 x Pregled pri zdravniku, 12 x Storitev po odredbi zdravnika, 1 x Polovična ročna masaža (20 min.), 1 x Zaključni posvet pri zdravniku
Razširjen zdravniški program

340 €

Prvi pregled pri zdravniku in predpis terapij, 20 x storitve po priporočilu zdravnika, 1 x zaključni posvet pri zdravniku
Za lahek korak

190 €

5 x Podvodna masaža noge, 5 x Mineralna kopel, 5 x Vaje za noge
Zaščitimo srce športnika in rekreativca

215 €

Antropometrične meritve, meritev krvnega tlaka in srčnega utripa, laboratorijske preiskave (hemogram, krvni sladkor, lipidogram, sečnina, kreatinin, hepatogram, TSH), klinični pregled kardiologa, EKG v mirovanju, spirometrija, obremenitveno testiranje srca, ultrazvočna preiskava srca, zaključni pogovor s kardiologom, analiza rezultatov preiskav in priporočila za varne fizične obremenitve in prehrano.
Program za zdravo žensko srce

173 €

Antropometrične meritve, meritev krvnega tlaka in srčnega utripa, klinični pregled kardiologa, EKG v mirovanju, spirometrija, obremenitveno testiranje srca, ultrazvočna preiskava srca, zaključni pogovor s kardiologom, analiza rezultatov preiskav in priporočila za varne fizične obremenitve in prehrano.

Preventive specialist examinations

Manager's programme (2, 3, or more days)

185 €

Na preventivnem specialističnem pregledu ugotavljamo ali se pojavljajo znaki dejavnikov tveganja. Dejavniki tveganja, ki lahko vplivajo na zdravje in počutje so: dedna družinska obremenjenost, prekomerna telesna teža, telesna neaktivnost, zvišan krvni tlak, sladkorna bolezen, zvišani trigliceridi, sečna kislina, holesteroli v krvi (zlasti pri neugodnem razmerju HDL in LDL holesterolov), pogosta izpostavljenost stresom in psihični napetosti. Osnovni preventivni pregled vključuje: klinični pregled s podrobno anamnezo (z razgovorom o dosedanjih družinskih, socialnih in drugih vplivih okolja), laboratorijske preiskave: osnovna preiskava krvi, krvne preiskave na dejavnike tveganja (holesterol, HDL, LDL, trigliceridi, krvni sladkor, sečna kislina, urea, kreatinin, bilirubin, AST, ALT), kontrolo telesne teže in ugotavljanje idealne teže, EKG v mirovanju, jutranjo gimnastiko, mineralno kopel, pitna kura z mineralno vodo iz Radencev v salonu mineralne vode, končni pregled in mnenje.
Based on a specialist's recommendation or upon request, you can also take additional tests:

Cycle ergometry (stress test) 254,00 €

Basic examination with cycle ergometry.

Echocardiography (ultrasound of the heart with colour doppler) 334,00 €

Basic examination with cycle ergometry and echocardiography.

Colour doppler of the vascular system of the neck 399,00 €

Basic examination with cycle ergometry, echocardiography, and vascular doppler.

Gift vouchers