Contour line

Active recreation / 5 reasons for a walk from Izola to Koper

Walking is one of the healthiest types of movement. An even more ideal choice of activity to activate you body is walking by the s...

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  • St. Bernardin Resort Portorož
  • Salinera Resort Strunjan
  • San Simon Resort Izola

Gastronomy / Wine in the Slovene Littoral

White or red, aromatic, strong, rich or light, dry, off-dry or sweet, table, quality and premium - we're of course talking WINE!

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  • Terme 3000
  • Terme Ptuj
  • Zdravilišče Radenci

Helpful / How to get to the Slovenian coast?

In summer, we like to spend some free time also at sea. The planning of trips, relaxing weekends, vacation or visit of musical eve...

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