Cyriax orthopaedic medicine is a method whose first rule is to first identify the root cause of the problem, which is then eliminated with targeted therapy. The cause is determined by a physiotherapist specially trained in this method, using medical history, clinical examination, and any diagnostic documentation the guest might bring with them. Depending on the diagnosis, the physiotherapist then designs a personalised programme tailored to the individual. The method is suitable for acute and chronic problems of the locomotor system arising as a result of injuries and of the degeneration of joints, muscles, and ligaments, as well as for conditions following operations on the locomotor system. According to research by physiotherapists from abroad, the treatment is very successful, as it includes much more detailed treatment with manual therapy.
- detailed treatment with manual therapy
- a personalised programme tailored to the individual

MT points are the focus of hyperexcitability in tense skeletal muscles and/or fascia. The affected place is painful when pressed on, with the pain spreading away from the pressure point (into the head, arm, leg, spine). MT treatment therapy is a world-renowned manual technique that quickly relieves pain in the muscular system.
- world-renowned technique
- quick pain relief

Kinesio Taping is a leading method of treatment and prevention based on the body's own natural healing process. By gluing elastic, adhesive tapes to the skin, we initiate the process of physical self-healing. The effectiveness of the treatment is shown through activation of the neurological and circulatory systems. The tapes are adhered to the target areas of the body using various techniques aimed at: reducing pain (strained or damaged muscles), relaxing or stimulating the muscle (for muscle pain – chronic pain, e.g. in the neck and lower back, injuries), treating cases of joint wear (arthrosis), inserted artificial joints (endoprostheses), dislocations, fractures, jumper's or runner's knee, problems with the big toe (hallux valgus), sprained ankle, treating scars (making them softer and causing less discomfort during movement), chronic inflammations (eg: golf elbow, tennis elbow), correcting incorrect posture, scoliosis, flat feet, patella..., lymphatic technique for reducing swelling, hematomas, improving blood and lymph circulation, increasing the space between skin and muscle. The method works 24 hours/day, for 3-5 days, or for as long as the tape is adhered. Neither the taping nor the presence of the elastic tape inhibit daily movement or activity, or have any negative side effects. The tape is water resistant. If you don't know whether Kinesio Taping is appropriate for you, consult a physiotherapist.
- triggering the body's natural self-healing process
- without negative side effects

Shockwave therapy introduces energy which helps break down various calcifications, accelerates blood circulation, destroys pain receptors and, as a result, accelerates the metabolism and the formation of analgesic substances in the tissue. The number of necessary treatments depends on the diagnosis itself. In most cases, at least 6 treatments are required to treat a callus or heel spur. When initially consulting with a physiotherapist, it is highly recommended to bring some test results (X-ray or ultrasound results of the affected area). Therapy is carried out once a week. It is recommended in combination with pain-relieving Tecar therapy. Extracorporeal shockwave therapy is contraindicated in haemophilia, patients receiving anticoagulant therapy, thrombosis, malignancy, pregnancy, polyneuropathy, growing children, and cortisone therapy.
Učinkovita je pri:
- Boleča peta (trn v peti)
- Boleča in gibalno omejena rama
- Kronična bolečina v komolcu, Ahilovi tetivi, vratu, rami in hrbtu (mišični vozli)
- Boleče koleno zaradi vnetja tetivnih narastišč (skakalno koleno)
- Bolečine zaradi vnetih sluznikov (burzitis)
- Vse oblike vnetja tetivnih pripenjališč (teniški komolec ali epikondilitis)

Tecar system therapies are extremely effective, and produce fast results, thus quickly and effectively improving or restoring quality of life. Tecar energy is a high-frequency current that accelerates the natural regeneration of organic tissue. Due to its exceptional effectiveness, it produces results quickly, as the patient feels an immediate reduction in pain and experiences a quick recovery. With the Tecar method, rehabilitation therapy is moving into a new era characterised by shorter therapy times and immediate results. Tecar works quickly and effectively on: knee, shoulder, ankle, hip, spine, hand, and muscle injuries, as well as on painful inflammatory joint and muscle pathologies such as arthrosis, lumbago, and sciatica. The therapy works locally – on the part of the body we want to treat. The only contraindications are: pacemaker and pregnancy
- Reduces pain
- Improves surface and deep tissue blood circulation, and at the same time increases the energy potential of cell membranes
- Improves tissue regeneration
- Stimulates venous and lymphatic drainage
- Positive effects are already visible after first use, pain relief is immediate.