Contour line

Using water for therapeutic purposes and for treatment

Terme Ptuj
Zdravilišče Radenci
Terme 3000

Group guided exercises in the water.

Terme Ptuj
Terme Ptuj
Terme 3000

A combination of the effects of warm water and a water jet massage to improve blood circulation and relaxation.

Zdravilišče Radenci

A combination of the effects of warm water and a water jet massage to improve blood circulation and relaxation.

Zdravilišče Radenci

A bath for hands or feet, which improves blood circulation, relaxes, and has a beneficial effect on general well-being.

Zdravilišče Radenci
The bath helps to reduce sensitivity to cold and to increase stimulation from heat, and has a positive effect on
rejuvenation processes in the body and skin, and on strengthening of sexual potency. Improves general well-being.
Helps with:

• increasing blood flow through the skin capillaries, thereby providing better blood circulation in the body,
• regulating blood pressure and lowering heart rate,
• improving water excretion,
• accelerating the healing of wounds and providing an anti-inflammatory effect,
• detoxification and revitalization of the body,
Zdravilišče Radenci
Terme 3000

For improving blood flow in the hands or feet.

Methods for booking appointments

Methods for booking appointments at Terme 3000

By phone

Methods for booking appointments at Terme Ptuj

By phone

Methods for booking appointments at Health Resort Zdravilišče Radenci

By phone
Gift vouchers